A Shift

Here’s an unforeseen consequence of introducing a daily practice of writing publicly: I don’t just think about the blog when I sit down to write something for it. I think about it all day long.

When I have or hear an interesting idea now, it immediately gets put through a few new filters: Can this be a post? Would the audience find it interesting? Do I find it interesting? Is it broad enough to be a series of posts? Does it apply to something I’ve written about before? Is it a topic I know enough to be comfortable writing about? Do I want to dig deeper into the topic and maybe write about it down the road?

A few times I’ve even gotten a spark, stopped what I was doing, and written an entire draft, directly into my notes.

My mind carries around a set of rules about what it considers important. What’s important to notice, what I tend to think about by default, by habit. The rules are nebulous. I can’t list them for you. But this new daily practice has affected them. I like it.