Convenience Vs Control

iOS wants control. When you give iOS control, it does a pretty good job, and you get convenience. But your options are constrained, to some degree. Some people bristle at this. Some outright hate it.

Android wants you to have control. You get way more options. Lots more knobs to fiddle with. But when you have a lot of control, you have to spend time and energy learning to use the control.

I’m an iOS user, squarely in the “don’t make me think” camp when it comes to my mobile device OS. But not in all things. For instance, I often prefer to pay the considerable time and effort cost of cooking from scratch so that I can control what’s in my food, as opposed to zapping frozen convenience foods full of things I maybe don’t want (and maybe can’t pronounce).

Generally, I think a balance can be struck. Too much control probably leads to diminishing returns on your time and effort. Too little control might mean you miss out on the low-hanging fruit — cheap and easy ways to make your life better.